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OSTF Minutes 02-01-2010
                     OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE
                       Minutes of the Meeting                                               
                        February 1, 2010

Attendance: Pat Botteron, Sue Larsen, Roy Normen, Marcia Banach, Viney Wilson, Herb Asplund, Louise Evans, Carol Heffler, Mike Gantick, George Caye

Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm.

Public Participation

Acceptance of Minutes
   Minutes of the January meeting were accepted.
New Business
    Mayor John Pelkey joined us to discuss the upcoming Earth day.  It will be the 40th anniversary and will be held at Nevers Park.  There may be a parade near the high school and 40 trees will be planted in honor of the 40 years. The date will be April 24th.  The Garden Club and the SW Walk and Wheels will be participating.  The Mayor is looking for sponsors to help defray the costs and groups to volunteer to clean the parks.  Pat asked Louise if it would be possible to borrow the trailer from the Historical Society for a float.  Mayor Pelkey is trying to set up a meeting for planning the event next Monday.  As a committee, we will set up a booth and try to contact the Lutz Museum.  We may want to plant some trees ourselves near the picnic tables at Major Donnelly Park

   Marcia Banach will send everyone the new rating sheets.

   Jeff Folger completed the certificates of appreciation for the boy scouts and all the members present signed them.

   Herb Asplund reported that he spoke to Tim Shepard about the Audubon Society land in South Windsor.  The house could be used for display or as a classroom. Land Trust would be investigating more into the parcel.

  George Caye spoke on the master plan for Lawrence Road.  They are trying to get a trail started.  There will not be any large fields.  Mike Gantick said the park will be open to the public but maintaining the property will be difficult since the budget is prohibitive.

  Pat asked if the maps to the parks could be posted on the web.   
Old Business  

   Pat gave the task force an update on the properties.  The Nelson property is getting a second appraisal.  We have permission to walk a proposed property.  

   Betty Warren gave Pat her notes from a meeting with the Land Preservation.  We should talk to the Town Council again about development rights.  We should look to Suffield and Enfield as examples of towns that use it.

  A review of the Master Plan for any errors should be done again and any issues should be passed over to Marcia.
Other Business       

    Our next meeting will be March 1st.

    The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sue W. Larsen